1. We believe in one God, eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • (a) We believe God the Father to be the Creator and Sustainer of all things.
  • (b) We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a
    virgin, was crucified dead and buried, yet raised to new life after three days and is now seated at
    the right hand of the Father interceding continually for all the children of God.
  • (c) We believe the Holy Spirit to be the agent of conviction in individual lives, the implementer
    of the Word of God, and the One who empowers the believer to live the life of an overcomer as
    he learns to yield to His control.

2. We believe in the need for repentance and forgiveness of all sin because of our inherent fallen nature
and broken fellowship with God. This, we believe, becomes possible through faith in Christ’s
atonement… He paid the penalty for our sin by His death on the cross. “The wages of sin is death, but
the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

3. As heirs of God’s grace, we believe in His promise of eternal life beginning at the moment of new
birth and culminating after physical death when we step into the everlasting Presence of God for
eternity. John 11:25,26

4. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God through which He and His will are revealed to
us and by which we shall be judged. John 12:47,48

5. We believe God commands us through His Word to live lives of purity, holiness and love. We are to
reject sin, repent, and receive forgiveness. We believe in the progressive sanctification of the believer
and that it is the will of God for all of His children to be in the constant process of changing into the
image of Christ.

6. We believe the commission given by Jesus before He returned to the Father, that we are to preach,
teach and reach the world with the message of His grace.

7. For all who do not receive this gospel, we believe in a literal place of eternal judgment and
punishment. Truly, there is no other way, “no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we
must be saved,” except that of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

8. We believe in the church as the body of Christ, instituted, structured and empowered by the Holy
Spirit in accordance with God’s will, to give expression to His nurturing love within the body and to
become the extension of His compassionate hands and heart to the world.

9. We accept the scriptural believer’s baptism as a symbol of the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit
upon personal confession of faith.

10. We believe the elements of Holy Communion to be symbolic of the sacrificial death of our Lord
Jesus as He initiated God’s New Covenant of grace and as such should be partaken of only with a clear
conscience toward God and man.

11. We believe in the soon return of our Lord. With this as our constant expectation, let us be faithfully
about our Father’s business, encouraging and strengthening one another as we see the day approaching.

12. We believe the marital relationship, instituted by God, is between one man and one woman only,
and establishes the only proper pattern of sexual relations. We believe that gender is ordained by God
and cannot be changed or altered by human will.

Revised 02-25-2018